Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanks, Y'all

I feel that it is time to update the Blog World on my hair. I read every comment on this post, and thank each and every one of you for taking the time to share my dilemma. I went about 3 months without coloring, and had my hairdresser cut it as short as I could stand it. I tried to love it, I really did, but I just couldn't do it. My hubby's hair, though a touch thinner than back in the day, is still as dark brown as ever. I started to feel a little haggard with my wiry gray outgrowth, especially when standing next to my handsome, dark-haired honey. So I gave in and went back to the brownish with blondish-y highlights. I can't thank you enough for your input.


  1. Glad to hear you got it figured out. Looks like you had some work done on your face too. How modern of you!

  2. LOVE IT!! You are hilarious and I miss you!!

  3. Well, I plan on coloring my hair until my grandkids tell me it's ridiculous to keep doing so. Loreal will be getting much of my money over the next 20 yrs. =)

  4. Glad to see it is working for ya. I miss your posts btw. No pressure. None whatsoever. :)

  5. Maybe I'm too much of a Yankee, but is that the style in the South these days? Because I never....

  6. You're a trip. I heart coming here and smiling.

  7. This reminds me of the little-head-Beetlejuice at the end of the movie . . . do you know what I'm talking about? Hilarious!
