Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I've decided to try my hand at this blogging thing again. Not that I have such a terrible lot to say, you understand, but because sometimes it feels like if I don't get the random out somewhere my head will explode. I'm having a hard time even knowing where to begin. Over time, I'm sure I'll cover all the bases. For now, I hope a few folks will stop by now and then and leave a comment or two. That would be grand.

Also, if you'd like the chance to read every brilliant thought that skitters across the landscape of my mind, you can follow me on Twitter. OH, and because I have SO MUCH free time, I also have a page on Facebook. Everything you ever wanted to know, and then some.


  1. Ooh! Ooh!

    I get ot be your first commenter AND Bloglines subscriber.


    Could today be any better?

  2. Woo Hoo!

    Not that you've created your blog, you should have some time freed up to play Scrabble with me! It is your turn!

  3. Yaay! I saw your link on Facebook.

  4. Thrilled you are back. Subscribing now. I hear you like followers.

  5. I've been following you on twitter for a while now, but just realized today that you started blogging again (thanks to Shannon). This is great! The first time I found you, you announced a long-term blogging hiatus. I hope you don't decide to quit again after I post this comment....
