Friday, October 17, 2008

Why Photos Are Best Done By the Pros

Last Sunday, we loaded up the minivan and made the 2-hour trip to visit Dan's grandfather. Grandan, as we call him, had turned 95 the week before and we had some homemade goodies to bring him. Also, we wanted to introduce him to his namesake, our 6-week-old baby Jesse Winston. The trip was uneventful, if, by uneventful I am understood to mean minimal bickering and only one bathroom stop. We arrived and paraded the herd into Grandan's home, which he built in the '50's and lives alone in today. Let's just say that as we tromped in, Peace tromped out, dragging Quiet along behind.

One of my primary goals for this visit was to take pictures of baby Jesse with his great-grandfather Winston.

Now, our child is not normally cross-eyed and my husband doesn't normally smile like a used-car salesman. Poor Grandan had to endure an eternity of high-pitched baby calls, puncutated with every mild expletive I know, with the occasional "get down from there, Seth." It was torture, I tell you.

I took 61 pictures.
These are the best of the bunch.
It's the thought that counts, right?
To appreciate the full catastrophe, click on the pictures to view them full size.


  1. I'm sorry but the best one is where baby is cross-eyed, Hubby with the look of please take the picture and Grandan with the look of what in the world just happened.

    Glad you survived!

  2. I have emerged weeping from many photo-taking attempts. Penney's Studio is enough to reduce me to a shuddering ball in the corner.

    When our daughter was a newborn, we had her three great-grandparents and three grandparents assembled for pics. The hard-of-hearing great-grands were oblivious; the rest of us look like we've been chewed up, spat out, and rolled over by the Misery Bus 6 or 7 times. Even so, now that four of those six great-grands and grands have passed away, those photos are DEAR to us. You'll cherish these and the cross-eyed memories. Promise. :)

  3. Oh, he loves his daddy...yes he does. ;)

    Kiddin'. Does it ever get better? We were just in Iowa, visiting my kids' great grandma. You would think at 10 and 12 and 82, folks would be able to take a decent picture.

    But you'd be wrong. :)

    Still your little guy is just precious.

  4. Grandan looks great for 95, his hair isn't even all gray!
